Green Premium
Go green. Erreichen Sie Ihre Effizienzziele und sorgen Sie für die Einhaltung von Industrienormen (RoHS-Richtlinie, REACh-Verordnung, Transparenz durch Produktumweltprofile + Anweisungen für das Ende der Betriebsdauer Ihres Produkts). Alles dank eines einzigen Umweltzeichens.
Ein Umweltzeichen, viele Vorteile
Die Geschichte von Green Premium
Unser Green Premium-Umweltzeichen bietet vollständige Umweltschutzinformationen für alle, von Hausbesitzern, Gebäudemanagern und Architekten bis hin zu unseren Händlern und Erstausrüster-Partnern.
Entdecken Sie unsere Green Premium Produkte
The foundations of sustainable performance
CO2 and P&L impact
Green Premium brings improved resource efficiency throughout an asset's lifecycle.
This includes efficient use of energy and natural resources, along with
the minimization of CO2 emissions.
Cost of Ownership Optimization
We're helping our customers optimize the total cost of ownership of their assets.
To do this, we provide IoT-enabled solutions, as well as upgrade, repair, retrofit,
and remanufacture services
Peace of Mind
Green Premium products are RoHS and REACh compliant.
We're going beyond regulatory compliance with step-by-step
substitution of certain materials and substances from our products.
Green Premium delivers strong value propositions through its portfolio of products, services and solutions. By collaborating with 3rd party organizations, we can support our customers to easily meet their sustainability goals. We are differentiating from our competitors, transforming our offer to provide a competitive edge.
Green Premium products provide detailed information on their regulatory compliance, material content, environmental impact and circularity attributes. They deliver market-driven value propositions through third-party labels and product certifications, that support our customers’ sustainability ambitions.
Green Premium services implement circular economy principles such as durability, upgradeability and recyclability to move beyond the "take, make and dispose" industrial model. Utilizing these services our customers reduce their environmental impact and optimize the total cost of ownership of their assets.
Green Premium solutions utilize IoT enabled offers and digital tools to efficiently use energy and other natural resources. They enable our customers to reduce their environmental impact and minimize their CO2 footprint.
2008 haben wir Green Premium, unser Programm zur Produktnachhaltigkeit, entwickelt, um transparente Informationen zu Gefahrstoffen, Umweltauswirkungen und Anweisungen für den Ablauf der Lebensdauer zu liefern. Das neue Green Premium ist ein Ausdruck unserer inneren Überzeugung, dass die ehrgeizige Rücksichtnahme auf die Umwelt in alle unsere Leistungsversprechen einfließen müssen. Darüber hinaus verlangen Kunden und Geschäftspartner dies zunehmend in mehreren geografischen Regionen und über mehrere Marktsegmente hinweg.
Reduce energy and carbon footprints
Optimize total cost of ownership
Protect people from environmental risks